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Arun Tamm

Arun Tamm

Arun Tamm (born 11.04.1989) is born and raised in Tallinn.
The director has been active in the craft of film since he was 16 years old.
After directing his first amateur short film with his friend Andres Kõpper “The Bastards”, they got an
unbelivable offer to direct a full feature film “Bad Hair Friday”, which became one of the most watched film
in Estonia. After the success of their first film, Arun started to direct and write commercials. Later on directed TV
series: “Naughty Girls” and “Restart”. The Director is known for mixing genres. Finding the right balance between the seriousness and the absurdity of everyday life is an ongoing process. With his bold enthusiasm to try new things they often push the limits of both ethics and moral, but always stay in the limits of good taste.